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KCWC (4) - Blogtoberfest (12)

Last night's / yesterday's sewing was a bit of a mish-mash of things.

Firstly and most importantly, the frothy sewalong is officially complete!

She loves it!

 Thank you so much to Ellieboo for suggesting that I join in KCWC and that we do this dress as a sewalong together!  It's gorgeous and she looks so beautiful in it :)  I hope this is the first of many KCWCs and sewalongs with Ellieboo too!  It was also a good feeling to do something from start to finish during KCWC rather than just finishing off all the stuff I have not yet completed, for whatever reason.

Speaking of which...

The other sewing I did was to get on with finishing the three pairs of Little Heartbreaker Pants (from Sewing for Boys) that I started ages ago.  One pair for Issy for school and two for Marcus.  I took a hiatus while I got around to buying some buttonhole elastic, which I have now done.  Hopefully I will finish these off tomorrow - I have to overlock the inseam, sew on the buttons and then hem or cuff them.

I also cut out a Make It Perfect Sunkissed Hat for Issy (as I didn't have the overlocker to hand to continue with the pants) - so that's another project begun!  Oops... :)

See you tomorrow!


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